Dynamic sensor sensitivity

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Home Forums Instruments TERRA Dynamic sensor sensitivity

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  • #13329 Reply



      I’ve recently purchased the Terra and noticed that the dynamic sensors A-B-C-D vary wildly in their sensitivity. Have confirmed this by controlling a VST synth and seeing the behaviour visually.

      C seems the most sensible, B and D are a bit more sensitive, however A is near unusable in being oversensitive.

      This behaviour is also very apparent just playing the instrument on its own.

      Another example, pushing the sensors from the side with the same finger. 3 of them end up end up a bit past half but can never be fully “pushed”, A ends up being fully pushed easily.

      Is this expected behavior?

      #13330 Reply



        I noticed the same but adjusted my playing. You can also re-calibrate any dynamic sensors. Looks like needs to be done with Terra connected to grounded equipment, and avoiding body contact with ground/etc. See manual, page 25.

        #13331 Reply


          Hey thanks!

          #13333 Reply


            You’re welcome!

            Relatedly, I’ve found that for some engines in which sensor A controls pitch (down until oscillator stops) you can achieve a nice “ducking”-like effect by rhythmically tapping it. In other engines, the same sensor controls volume the same way (sidechain-like effect).

            Initially I thought I’d use the pitch down to achieve theremin-like pitch control but (for me at least) it’s too hard, now I use it mostly for the above. Just an idea 🙂

            #13463 Reply


              Can you please tell me how you got Terra to work as a midi controller? I have tried what is in the manual but cannot get it to work. Made a forum post about this several weeks ago but have not had any responses. Thanks.

              #13532 Reply


                Hi Mgroth,

                Can you please contact Soma support at [email protected] and send a video of how you are setting up Terra as MIDI controller. This will help us analyze what could be the problem so we can help you solve it.

                -Soma support

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