Lyra-8 Power Problems

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Home Forums Instruments LYRA-8 Lyra-8 Power Problems

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  • #6793 Reply

    Graham Freeman


      I wonder if anyone has encountered this problem. Lyra was playing quite happily. The next time I turned it on, the instrument doesn’t respond. There’s a regular clicking sound that fades in and out, and the LED on the right flashes on-and-off. That’s the only sound it makes. It isn’t responsive in any other way. This was quite sudden.

      Has this happened to anyone else? I thought it might be the power supply adapter, but I thought I’d toss out this question first. Any help would be appreciated.


      Graham Freeman

      #9017 Reply

      Joaquin Pardo

        <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi!</p>
        I’m experiencing an issue with my Lyra-8. So, what happens is that one of the oscillators it’s sounding by itself (the 8 one) without triggering it with the sensors and the only way to turn it off it’s by switching the 7 and 8 group to “fast”, but this doesn’t happen to any of the others oscillators. Before it sounded by itself but very quiet, but right now it sounds like on full volume without doing anything.

        I hope you can give me a hand with this please

        Best regards,

        Joaquin Pardo

        #9611 Reply

        Miguel Martin

          Any update on if you managed to resolve this issue?

          I’m having the same problem. Lyra was working perfectly but now the red power light isn’t coming on and I’m just getting a pulsing coming from it when I pass it through my interface.

          Any help would be much appreciated.



          #12156 Reply

          Paulina O

            Hello my lyra 8 is not responding,


            It kees LFO the signal even when the LFO are al down, do you know what can be happening, also there no change in the rate of the LFO.


            Hope you’re having a good day!


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